Klaire Labs Therbiotic Probiotic Powder

Klaire Labs Therbiotic Probiotic Powder


Ther-Biotic® Complete is a robust, broad-spectrum, hypoallergenic blend of 12 probiotic species in a base of inulin. Designed to supply a complete component of synergistic and complementary species, each 0.25 teaspoon (1 gram) provides 100 billion CFU protected by our proprietary InTactic® technology for maximum viability throughout the intestinal tract.

  • Maximum probiotic support with colonizing and transient strains

  • Clean and hypoallergenic for optimal results

  • Available in 100B CFU powder or 25B CFU capsules

Probiotic Mechanisms

  • Competitive and antagonistic activity against undesirable microorganisms†

  • Strengthening of intestinal epithelial barrier integrity†

  • Short chain fatty acid production nourishes enterocytes†

  • Healthy inflammation modulation†

  • Support of innate and acquired immunity†

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